Jeg har to uger tilbage i den dejlig København og jeg wil gerne slut min ferie med en BANG!

Ring eller SMS: 30 57 99 17 eller kom og besøg på mit værsle B401. Jeg køber vinet og du skal bare tage dig selv.
I put these flyers up around the kollegium today. Translation:
ATTENTION DANISH WOMEN: I've got two weeks left in this wonderful city, and I want to go out with a BANG! If you want to make sweet love with Uncle Sam, this is your last chance! Call or text: 30 57 99 17, or stop by room B 401. I'll provide the wine, you provide the boobpanionship.
We'll see where this goes.
Increddible. Although the room # was a risky manuever
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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