Monday, May 01, 2006

It's been a long weekend of Danish fun. After yesterday's big fudbold match, I celebrated the May Day (Arbejdernes Internationale Kampdag) by getting drunk with 60,000 Danes in the big park (Fælledparken) by the stadium (Parken). I'm slowly learning Danish (Dansk)! The atmosphere in the park was like a mini-Bonaroo. There were 6 stages and many other smaller music tents set up all over the place, lots of food and beer, and lots of crazy Danes running around. Couldn't understand any of the music, but I asked someone to translate a rap song for me, and she said it was a verbal attack on the European Union. I guess, if you can't rap about guns and hos, you better stick it to the politicos. It went something like, "Andele andele, mama, EU EU, uh-ohhhhhhhhh..."

The day in pictures...

Nelson gets it.

In Denmark, English sells.

This guy gets it.

Those Danes think they're so punk with their pink mohawks and spiked necklaces, but nothing says, "FUCK THE POLICE" like an outlandish chapeau.

Oh yeah, there was fire.


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